A short reflection on the readings for Thursday of the Thirtieth Week of Ordinary time: It is an interesting event, to see the Pharisees running to Jesus and warning Him.  Some Pharisees came to Jesus and said, “Go away, leave this area because Herod wants to kill you.”  Doesn’t itContinue Reading

The more I study scripture, the more I realize how we humans seem to repeat the same patterns over and over.  The Israelites of the old testament consistently came back to God.. but then as soon as they got comfortable… fell off again to do other things. An endless cycleContinue Reading

Such a simple line from tomorrow’s gospel.  It really triggers some thoughts from the books I am reading, the scriptures I am studying, and even some of the discussions I’ve been a part of.  It’s funny how the Holy Spirit works that way, eh?  “Take care and guard against allContinue Reading

Tonight I attended a Spanish Mass at our Parish.  Both to work on my Spanish listening skills and toattempt to build some friendships and familiarity with a part of the Parish that I often do not get to see.  I have several friends who come to daily Mass or whoContinue Reading

Today was one of those amazing days where I got the honor of sitting in a group of men who are offering their lives in hopes of eventually being configured to Christ to the servant in Holy Orders.  It struck me as I began to read the readings for tomorrowContinue Reading

This morning during my daily walk I was meditating on the Sorrowful mysteries, one that struck particularly powerfully this morning was the Carrying of the Cross. I began to visualize as I walked and my mind was drawn to one scene in particular, that of Veronica and her veil.  NowContinue Reading

 To be a sacramental person is so far beyond anything that I think we can convey in words.   It is to be Christ himself present to the world, as his hands, eyes, feet and mouth. As a convert, the very nature of our faith is so much beyond whatContinue Reading