What does it mean to be chosen by God?  Tomorrow we celebrate the feast of two people who not only where chosen by Christ but also suffered martyrdom for their faith.  What can we learn from these readings?  How do they apply to us as Catholics today, 2000 years afterContinue Reading

One of the most memorable scenes for me in the movie Indiana Jones The Last Crusade was the one where Indiana began to figure out the first trap.  The tension had built to a climax as his father lay dying on the ground from a gunshot wound, the Nazi antagonistsContinue Reading

Today’s readings bring to mind something I have been meditating on a lot lately.  The concept of Holiness.  We all have so many varied definitions of Holiness, from being set apart, to being like God, to even the notion that being Holy means being free from sin.  Recently though someone broughtContinue Reading

There is this notion going around (and has been for many hundreds of years).  The church has been combating it from a very early time.  The Gnostics have long held (since the 1st and 2nd centuries) that all of creation was evil.  That notion is that the material world, thatContinue Reading

Today’s reading at Mass was about God creating Eve from the rib of Adam, because Adam was lonely without one of his own ‘kind’. While this is a reading about marriage, it’s also about human relationships. That fits well with my readings from “Consoling the Heart of Jesus.” Bear withContinue Reading

The other day I was attacked by a ninja in my own home. I’m pretty sure that Dustin Gurntz had something to do with it, because I’ve  been told he’s definitely the ninja. I had left the house to get our youngest off the bus and in the interim ourContinue Reading

President Obama famously declared in a speech a while back that whatever we are, we are no longer a Christian nation.  I would like to believe that isn’t true.  The numbers say that we are mostly Christians in our population. The increase in secular thought, belief, and liberalism would sayContinue Reading