Betty had been sick for a very long time. I was prepared for her death, and had spent time with her talking about it and sharing our faith together. I never knew how hard it was going to be. Today at the funeral the church where it was held hadContinue Reading

This morning was absolutely horrible. Do you know the kind of day I’m talking about? Where everything seems like it’s out to get you and even the furniture is on the attack? It all began with a nice alarm blaring in my ear… apparently for over 30 minutes. As IContinue Reading

During the process of my conversion, I was uninterested in the Catholic faith. Coming from the particular protestant background that I was raised in, the Catholic faith was not only foreign, but looked down upon if not looked at with outright contempt. My wife and I had married with theContinue Reading

These words still echo throughout the world, as Jesus hung on the cross giving his life in love for each one of us, he uttered the words that would change history. “It is finished.”  We have so many who take this to mean that they are finished too, that whatContinue Reading

On the sabbath they entered the synagogue and took their seats.Many Jews and worshipers who were converts to Judaismfollowed Paul and Barnabas, who spoke to them and urged them to remain faithful to the grace of God. On the following sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of theContinue Reading

Bear with me as I try to convey to you something that I do not know if I can put into words. Today as I was reading Sacred Scripture, a line of thought began to form in my mind. It begins with the concept of the logos, the Christ, theContinue Reading

Every summer, my sandals begin to start looking pretty filthy. That’s when I get out the trusty scrub brush, dish soap and a water hose. As I was sitting outside scrubbing the inside of my shoe, I began to have several thoughts go through my head. First I began toContinue Reading