Today’s reading at Mass was about God creating Eve from the rib of Adam, because Adam was lonely without one of his own ‘kind’. While this is a reading about marriage, it’s also about human relationships. That fits well with my readings from “Consoling the Heart of Jesus.” Bear withContinue Reading

This morning during my daily walk I was meditating on the Sorrowful mysteries, one that struck particularly powerfully this morning was the Carrying of the Cross. I began to visualize as I walked and my mind was drawn to one scene in particular, that of Veronica and her veil.  NowContinue Reading

My wife and I were having a wonderfully deep conversation as I drove her in to work this morning about the concepts of gluttony and sin, and how they could apply to diet cost and expenditure.  We then began to talk about the general judgement, what it might be likeContinue Reading

As I was doing my morning walk after getting my daughter on the bus, I began to listen to the office of readings. My mind began to wander as the Psalms were being read to me, and I began to meditate sincerely on this set of verses:  O Lord, youContinue Reading

One of the most wonderful notions about Cursillo and the teachings of our church is to look for Jesus in every person.  You know that biblical verse where Jesus said “Whatever you do for the least of these”? As a Catholic we take that literally, that we can ‘entertain angelsContinue Reading

This morning I had the wonderful privilege of leading a communion service for our parish.  About 6:30 as the kids were getting ready for school, I was in the living room preparing for my role.   Between helping find hair brushes and signing papers for school I read vocally andContinue Reading

As many of you know, I’ve taken some time away from the computer for Lent; only recently returning to Facebook and blogging.  During that time I’ve tried to add some other pursuits that would help me grow closer to God.   One of the things I decided to do wasContinue Reading