Salted with fire.  Jesus uses some interesting words in the Gospel for tomorrow. The image of salt puts us in mind of food.  It reminds us that salt is necessary for life.  It’s also a natural anti-bacterial, a preservative.  It brings out the flavors of the food while at theContinue Reading

Yesterday evening I had the immense pleasure to attend the graduation ceremony where our oldest received her high school diploma.  While there they had several speakers from the class.  I was very impressed to see one of the kids from our own church get up and give one of thoseContinue Reading

In our world we tend to place people into boxes of our own creation.  We speak of what they believe, what they think, without ever experiencing that life for ourselves.  In tomorrow’s first reading we see a new series of events in St. Paul’s life that mirror the trial ofContinue Reading

Many years ago my mother and father took me on a trail ride through the mountains of Virginia.  After many hours we arrived to this place called the blowing hole.   Way up on the top of the mountain was this hole in the ground that extended down and outContinue Reading

As a man who is discerning a call to diaconate tomorrow’s first reading really speaks to me about that call.    The most amazing part to me is how skillfully Luke has worded the death of the first Christian Martyr, Saint Stephen, to show how it mirrored the very death ofContinue Reading

Many years ago I watched this movie about hackers in which one of the young men quoted the bible: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”Continue Reading

Fifteen years or so ago the company I worked for hired this electrician from Baltimore.  He was supposed to be “all that and a bag of chips.”  The one thing I do know, this man could finish a job faster than any other foreman that worked there.   I hadContinue Reading