A sunset I encountered on a bike ride just recently.  A reflection on the daily readings for Friday, June 17, 2016.2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20Psalm 132Gospel of Matthew 6:19-23 The other day in a Facebook post I wrote about how much better life was now that I actually get outContinue Reading

Tomorrow we celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord.   Jesus spent 40 days spreading his message to his disciples.  40 days in which he taught them, encouraged them, and prepared them for their mission.  Then after 40 days, he was changed.  He was lifted up before them into heaven andContinue Reading

Many years ago my mother and father took me on a trail ride through the mountains of Virginia.  After many hours we arrived to this place called the blowing hole.   Way up on the top of the mountain was this hole in the ground that extended down and outContinue Reading

As we continue the narrative in Daily Mass in the second book of the Prophet Samuel, we begin to see King David desiring to do something magnificent and mighty for the Lord.  In the process God begins to ask him, did I ask you to do this?   Have I everContinue Reading

A Reflection on the Readings for the Feast of the Holy Family 12/27/2015 The other day I went to the school to pick up my daughter.  I stood outside waiting for her for a while.  Parent after parent left with their kids.  The parking lot was now empty.  I beganContinue Reading

Tomorrow’s first reading talks more about the Maccabean revolt.  After they finally got rid of all the things that they found to be offensive from the temple area and fought off the gentiles, these men began to rebuild the temple.  They restored some of the fine art, decorative touches, doors,Continue Reading

The Readings for Monday of the 28th Week of Ordinary time can be found here. In Monday’s Gospel reading we find Jesus proclaiming that “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it, except the sign of Jonah.”  These words seem toContinue Reading