July 6, 2017 Thursday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 380 GN 22:1B-19 PS 115:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 MT 9:1-8 Today, in the first reading, we witness one of the pivotal moments in Salvation History.  Here we have Abraham journeying to the top of a mountain the middleContinue Reading

Illustration of Lazarus at the rich man’s gate by Fyodor Bronnikov, 1886. In tomorrow’s Gospel we see the familiar passage in which Jesus speaks a parable about Lazarus and the rich man.  He tells the Pharisees in his presence about these two men and how they lived their earthly life.Continue Reading

Recently in our bible study I was made aware of a quote from Origen which said “We should reverence every word of the Scriptures, the same way we reverence every particle of the consecrated host.”  Such a powerful statement that reminds me how often we are superficial in our readingContinue Reading

Every time I read about Queen Esther I am struck by a particular scene from the movie One Night with the King.  It’s the pivotal moment of the movie and of the history of the Jewish people.  Here this young woman is faced with a difficult and terrible dilemma.  SheContinue Reading