Salted with fire.  Jesus uses some interesting words in the Gospel for tomorrow. The image of salt puts us in mind of food.  It reminds us that salt is necessary for life.  It’s also a natural anti-bacterial, a preservative.  It brings out the flavors of the food while at theContinue Reading

Several years ago I sat in a bible study with a woman who I had never met.  There was some small talk but for the most part she kept to herself.  She seemed very shy, very timid, but at the same time you could instantly tell that she was searchingContinue Reading

For tomorrow’s daily mass the readings continue to examine the Epistle of Saint James.  He continues to encourage us to work for God’s kingdom and to avoid things of the world, things of the ego and of the flesh. He uses some pretty strong words, indeed.   He compares worldlyContinue Reading

Yesterday evening I had the immense pleasure to attend the graduation ceremony where our oldest received her high school diploma.  While there they had several speakers from the class.  I was very impressed to see one of the kids from our own church get up and give one of thoseContinue Reading

In our world we tend to place people into boxes of our own creation.  We speak of what they believe, what they think, without ever experiencing that life for ourselves.  In tomorrow’s first reading we see a new series of events in St. Paul’s life that mirror the trial ofContinue Reading

A friend of mine reminded me of how easy it is to get drawn into the political turmoil that is being made even worse by our American mainstream media.  While not necessarily always false, too often they are simply portrayed in a way that is either negative or makes aContinue Reading

In tomorrow’s reading we see Paul continuing to prepare his followers for his departure.  For a time he has been teaching them, working alongside them, joining them for dinner and fellowship.  It’s time though for him to move on.   Time for him to follow Christ where he leads, andContinue Reading