On the sabbath they entered the synagogue and took their seats.Many Jews and worshipers who were converts to Judaismfollowed Paul and Barnabas, who spoke to them and urged them to remain faithful to the grace of God. On the following sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of theContinue Reading

Holy week is always a tremendous time spiritually for me. When we as Catholics go through our ceremonies of reading the gospel together, actively participating in carrying the cross, or even watching as some of our members get their feet washed by our priest; all tend to move me toContinue Reading

The other day I was attacked by a ninja in my own home. I’m pretty sure that Dustin Gurntz had something to do with it, because I’ve  been told he’s definitely the ninja. I had left the house to get our youngest off the bus and in the interim ourContinue Reading

President Obama famously declared in a speech a while back that whatever we are, we are no longer a Christian nation.  I would like to believe that isn’t true.  The numbers say that we are mostly Christians in our population. The increase in secular thought, belief, and liberalism would sayContinue Reading

Just wanted to share with you the speech that I prepared for this weekend and had the honor of delivering at our parish. God really helped me through it and I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would 🙂 When Father Don asked me if I would beContinue Reading

Bear with me as I try to convey to you something that I do not know if I can put into words. Today as I was reading Sacred Scripture, a line of thought began to form in my mind. It begins with the concept of the logos, the Christ, theContinue Reading

I hear this phrase being thrown around a lot. It’s very interesting to see how that people use it to mean something a bit different than what it really says. A personal relationship simply means a relationship between two people.  All relationships are personal relationships, no matter how many peopleContinue Reading