I had seen childbirth on television growing up.  My mother was training to be a nurse and dinner was often interspersed with videos of surgeries, deliveries, and many other things that didn’t go well with spaghetti sauce or hot dogs.  It was an interesting time for me to see thingsContinue Reading

The other day I was having a conversation with someone about being Holy.   My friend Jamie loaned me a book about this topic (How to Be Holy: First Steps to Becoming a Saint, Peter Kreeft) and it has been heavily on my mind.  While we were talking a few otherContinue Reading

“My dwelling, like a shepherd’s tent, is struck down and born away from me.”  A shepherd’s tent is a hastily constructed tent that is only intended for the night.  Something that if the wind picks up is blown away and no longer to be found.  When the shepherd’s move onContinue Reading

A Reflection on the readings for Tuesday of the Fifteenth Week of Ordinary Time: July 12th, 2016 Isaiah 7:1-9Psalm 48The Holy Gospel According to Saint Matthew 11:20-24 When we are surrounded by evil our fearful instinct is often to close in on ourselves.  After the attacks on the World TradeContinue Reading

A reflection on the daily Mass readings for Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time 2 Kings 22:8-13; 23:1-3Psalm 119The Holy Gospel according to Matthew 7:15-20 It all started with potty training.  I was on a grand adventure in this amazing new world.  My hard headed streak and needContinue Reading

A sunset I encountered on a bike ride just recently.  A reflection on the daily readings for Friday, June 17, 2016.2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20Psalm 132Gospel of Matthew 6:19-23 The other day in a Facebook post I wrote about how much better life was now that I actually get outContinue Reading

A reflection on the daily readings for June 10th, 2016. Many years ago I was in a state of limbo.   I had been Church shopping since my conversion at the age of 14.   I knew I was supposed to serve God, I knew that with all my heart.Continue Reading