This is a thought that I shared with a friend many years ago before becoming Catholic, but has developed even further over time.  Another friend and I were just sharing in a blog comment and I wrote it out there.   Our conversation was about reverence for the Eucharist, about beingContinue Reading

Tomorrow’s Gospel reading is a familiar scene to most anyone who is familiar with Christ and Christianity.  It is the story of Jesus feeding a massive crowd with just a few loaves and fish. It reminds me of the journey through the desert.  When the Israelites left Egypt they cameContinue Reading

Fishers of Men by Kim Freitas It’s Advent!  How exciting! How beautiful!  Do you feel the change in the air?  We should.  This beautiful season is to remind us of what it felt like to be present for the promise of the Christ, the Messiah, Emmanuel!  The Jewish people stillContinue Reading

When the girls were all still little, before our fourth, I came home from work one day to find a bunch of artwork on the bedroom wall with words written in it.   There were some names, some drawings, and even some lipstick and nail polish mixed in.  I called eachContinue Reading

In tomorrow’s Gospel we see Jesus weeping over the city of Jerusalem.  “If this day you only knew what makes for peace…”  Oh, how we still today are seeking that answer.  It was right in front of them though.  Jesus Christ is the Kingdom of God.  It was right inContinue Reading

Tomorrow’s readings are quite interesting.  The reading from the book of Maccabees shows us the story of an elderly man who is being forced to go against his religion.  During this time Antiochus Epiphanes was persecuting the Jews and trying to force them to join a state sanctioned religion.  AntiochusContinue Reading

How Can Accepting the Doctrine of the Church help you come closer to God? As a convert to the Catholic faith, the organic nature of the development of doctrine is something that I have experienced first hand.  During my formative years I began to do what is most common inContinue Reading