I know what the Athenians felt like in the first reading for today as Paul began to explain to them the truth of what God expected from us in worship.  For the first 13 years of my Christian walk I was a protestant.  I didn’t even know what that meantContinue Reading

We have a tendency as people to draw in on ourselves, to leave the outside world to wallow in it’s own miseries while we protect our own.  One of the churches I went to growing up had that sort of notion built into their theology of what they felt aContinue Reading

Fishers of Men by Kim Freitas It’s Advent!  How exciting! How beautiful!  Do you feel the change in the air?  We should.  This beautiful season is to remind us of what it felt like to be present for the promise of the Christ, the Messiah, Emmanuel!  The Jewish people stillContinue Reading