A reflection on the daily Mass readings for Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time 2 Kings 22:8-13; 23:1-3Psalm 119The Holy Gospel according to Matthew 7:15-20 It all started with potty training.  I was on a grand adventure in this amazing new world.  My hard headed streak and needContinue Reading

Tomorrow is the feast of Saints Timothy and Titus.  These are two of the companions of St. Paul whose conversion we celebrated this morning. These men were faithful to the gospel of Christ and as such were left in charge of communities as presbyters.  Paul challenges them to live uprightContinue Reading

In today’s Gospel reading we have a very familiar event, one that every Christian should have heard of at one time or another.   John portrays it as the first event in Jesus public ministry.  The wedding of Cana.  It’s interesting that the Bible too starts out with a wedding, thenContinue Reading

Tomorrow is the first day of 2016.  My wife and I went to Mass tonight in celebration of Mary the Mother of God, and in thanksgiving for all the gifts and blessings that God has bestowed on us this year.  Our life has been filled with many amazing events.  GodContinue Reading

I haven’t had much time lately to write.  Between Volley Ball, Color Guard, Band Practices, picking up and dropping off for school, ministry duties, and Diaconate studies and meetings (while still trying to make sure to keep a healthy balance of time for my wife and children as my primaryContinue Reading

I looked into the kitchen this morning, after spending the day in bed in pain.  I lifted too much yesterday and was just unable to get up this A.M.  The dishes weren’t done.  I for some reason expected to magically get up at noon and find them washed.  There theyContinue Reading