Around ten years ago I had an experience that completely changed my life.  It began though around nine months before that.  My wife and I embarked on a journey of learning, though she had quite a bit more knowledge than I at that time.  The three other ladies in theContinue Reading

I’ve just been reading Evangelii Nuntiandi for an upcoming class on the subject of evangelization.  There is such beauty, such depth to the words that Pope Paul the VI promulgated for the Church in this encyclical.  The overarching theme seems to be though that evangelization is not just something we preach,Continue Reading

As we continue the narrative in Daily Mass in the second book of the Prophet Samuel, we begin to see King David desiring to do something magnificent and mighty for the Lord.  In the process God begins to ask him, did I ask you to do this?   Have I everContinue Reading

In today’s Gospel reading we have a very familiar event, one that every Christian should have heard of at one time or another.   John portrays it as the first event in Jesus public ministry.  The wedding of Cana.  It’s interesting that the Bible too starts out with a wedding, thenContinue Reading

A few of my friends shared a video by Steve Harvey, a very successful comedian.   He seems to have several different versions of it, but they all point to the same message.  That at some point, you have got to jump to be successful.  I think it’s a good message,Continue Reading

Tomorrow’s Gospel is a beautiful repeat of the reading for Sunday.  Though one could go on into a great deal of depth into this reading, I find myself being drawn instead to the first reading, from the beautiful and poetic Song of Songs.  One would be making a grave mistakeContinue Reading

Tomorrow’s readings for daily mass contain a hard message, a challenging message. During Advent it is important that we get those challenges to the way we are walking our faith.  All to often, when we are honest with ourselves, we are failing to walk the walk and talk the talk. Continue Reading