A Reflection on the Readings forDecember 26, 2015 – The Feast of Saint Stephen The Day after Christmas we go from celebrating life, to celebrating death.  Isn’t that a strange dichotomy?  One morning we are celebrating the birth of Christ into the world.  The image of a newborn child swaddledContinue Reading

Tomorrow is the second Sunday of Advent.  In the Gospel we see John the Baptist coming out of the wilderness proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God.  He proclaims Isaiah’s message that the world is about to be shaken. Things are going to change.  Valleys will be laid flat,Continue Reading

Fishers of Men by Kim Freitas It’s Advent!  How exciting! How beautiful!  Do you feel the change in the air?  We should.  This beautiful season is to remind us of what it felt like to be present for the promise of the Christ, the Messiah, Emmanuel!  The Jewish people stillContinue Reading

In tomorrow’s readings for the Memorial of Saint Leo the Great, we see an interesting statement from Jesus.  How different things are today in our society, or at least they appear to be.  In the early times of humanity slavery was prevalent and a part of life.  How difficult aContinue Reading

On the sabbath they entered the synagogue and took their seats.Many Jews and worshipers who were converts to Judaismfollowed Paul and Barnabas, who spoke to them and urged them to remain faithful to the grace of God. On the following sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of theContinue Reading

Romans 14 is one of the most amazing chapters, to me. It tells us something about today in a way that still holds true. In order to get to that point I want to give you some insight into my own spiritual journey. For many years I was a memberContinue Reading