For tomorrow’s daily mass the readings continue to examine the Epistle of Saint James.  He continues to encourage us to work for God’s kingdom and to avoid things of the world, things of the ego and of the flesh. He uses some pretty strong words, indeed.   He compares worldlyContinue Reading

There are so many things we try to do to get good health.  One doctor tells you to eat high fat, another high protein, another no fat, low protein.  One high carb, another low carb.  This one tells you to use aromatherapy.   Another to take this pill and that.Continue Reading

Photo by Jeremy Wheaton Today was a very somber day for me.  I watched some news reports today coming in from Washington D.C.   The March for life was still going despite the impending winter storm.   People were still sharing the witness of their faith.  They were going to make aContinue Reading

A reflection on the readings for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary time.  Many years ago when I was a young man in college, the power had gone out in the entire neighborhood.  I decided to walk to my mothers house for dinner.  I knew that no matter what, she andContinue Reading