How easy it is to forget the important things in life.   In the story of Martha and Mary we are reminded that some things are more important than the to do list.  Martha was running around hectic trying to get everything done that she felt needed to be done forContinue Reading

A Reflection for the Daily Readings for the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29th, 2016 Acts 12:1-11Psalms 34:2-92 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18The Holy Gospel According to Saint Matthew 16:13-19 Over a decade ago I was going through a rough patch in my life.  A broken relationship, a house thatContinue Reading

The last few days I’ve talked about what Ordinary Time is (this post) and how that it begins to order our lives toward Christ (this post.)  That’s what our liturgy is about.  The liturgical year is ordered in a way to bring the Christian’s prayer life into a basic rhythm,Continue Reading