How easy it is to forget the important things in life.   In the story of Martha and Mary we are reminded that some things are more important than the to do list.  Martha was running around hectic trying to get everything done that she felt needed to be done forContinue Reading

A Reflection on the readings for Daily Mass for Thursday of the Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time, July 7, 2016. Hosea 11:1-4, 8e-9Psalm 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16The Holy Gospel According to Saint Matthew 10:7-15 I was haggard and disheveled.   I hadn’t slept a wink.   My wife was even moreContinue Reading

For tomorrow’s daily mass the readings continue to examine the Epistle of Saint James.  He continues to encourage us to work for God’s kingdom and to avoid things of the world, things of the ego and of the flesh. He uses some pretty strong words, indeed.   He compares worldlyContinue Reading

In tomorrow’s reading we see the parable of the fig tree.  This sort of tree is a source of fruit, a source of nourishment for the world.  In the desert lands in which Jesus taught and journeyed it would have been seen as sustenance, life. The owner of the vineyard,Continue Reading

Tomorrow at Daily Mass we continue the story of the Prophet Samuel.  Today we talked about how that God had rejected Saul for not being obedient, for not listening.  So God sends Samuel to anoint a young Shepherd Boy.  David was the King that everyone looked up to in Jesus time.  SolomonContinue Reading

Holy week is always a tremendous time spiritually for me. When we as Catholics go through our ceremonies of reading the gospel together, actively participating in carrying the cross, or even watching as some of our members get their feet washed by our priest; all tend to move me toContinue Reading

Every summer, my sandals begin to start looking pretty filthy. That’s when I get out the trusty scrub brush, dish soap and a water hose. As I was sitting outside scrubbing the inside of my shoe, I began to have several thoughts go through my head. First I began toContinue Reading